Class 4: Miss Cridland
Homework Grid Autumn 2024
Termly Overview Autumn 2024
Class 4 Summer Overview
Sumer Term Homework Grid
Spring Term Overview
Homework Grid Spring Term
Email Miss Cridland
Autumn Term 2023
Lights, Camera, Action!
Rainforest Detectives
Castle Chaos
Class 4 - Important Information
Here is some information for you about our class and routines this year.
Reading: You will have a set reading day with the class teacher each week. You will need to read to an adult at home and have your Reading Record book signed each week by this day. Your reading books and Reading Record book should be in the class with you each day and go home every night. Reading should be undertaken for at least 5 minutes every night.
Spellings: You will have spelling words to learn for a weekly Spelling Test. The Spelling Test will be on a Friday. You will be given new words to take home to practise – These do not need to be returned to school. We will work on these spelling words throughout the week in class.
Pencil Cases: You may have 1 pencil case in class that will sit on your table. It will go home each evening.
PE: Indoor PE will be on Monday. Outdoor PE will be on Tuesday.
PPA: This will be every other Wednesday for the whole day.
TEAMS: Remember to check our Class 4 Team regularly. I will put updates, photos, videos and some homework tasks on here.
Miss Cridland
Hello Class 4
(The new Class 4 of 2022/23!)
Miss Cridland here. I will be your new teacher in September and I am very much looking forward to seeing you all and getting to know you properly when we return.
How are you all? I hope that you have enjoyed the summer holidays, time is flying past so quickly. I have been busy, out and about taking my dog on lots of walks and having some yummy barbecues! Have you got any pets?
I have started planning lots of lovely things for us to do in school in September, which I'm sure you will enjoy. Our new inquiry is Castle Chaos, looking at castles around us.
Remember to regularly take photos of exciting things you do outside of school, pop them in a Pic Collage and email them through to me for our Wellbeing Wall in class.
Diolch, Miss Cridland (7/9/22)