International Links / Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol
Am ddiwrnodau hyfryd gyda'n ffrindiau newydd! Bydden ni'n cofio'r profiad am byth. Celebrating a new friendship with our French friends.
Merci beaucoup pour les sacs! Diolch yn fawr am y bagiau! We absolutely love them!
Ymweliad i École intercommunale des Ondines / A visit to École intercommunale des Ondines - dysgu Cymraeg a gwisgo Cennin Pedr / learning Welsh and wearing daffodils!
Bal Folk - noson o ddawnsio a dathlu i godi arian ar gyfer trip mis Mehefin / a night of dance and celebration in Aunac to raise money for the visit in June.
Coginio bwyd Cymreig gyda disgyblion Aunac dros y Pasg / Cooking Welsh food with Aunac pupils during the Easter holidays - Picau ar y Maen, Bara Brith, caws ar dost Cymreig (Welsh rarebit!) a tharten cennin.

Parti yn Aunac yn ystod y Pasg! Mrs Pritchard is looking forward to attending a party in Aunac, 'Priodas Fach' during the Easter Holidays.
Twr Eiffel / Eiffel Tower
Dosbarth 3 yn canu Frère Jacques

Ymweliad gan Maxime / a visit from Maxime - Hydref 2017 / October 2017

Picau ar y Maen / Welsh cakes - our challenge for our French friends to cook!

School partnerships are a great way to bring international education to life for young learners, and the benefits of doing joint projects with international schools are wide-reaching. For students, partnerships can help develop their core skills and an appreciation for cultural diversity.
Drwy bartneriaethau ysgol, rydyn ni yn Ysgol Gynradd Creigiau yn gobeithio ehangu gorwelion ein disgyblion drwy fod yn rhan o gymdeithas fyd-eang, i ddatblygu ein sgiliau a gwerthfawrogi amrywiaeth diwylliannol.
Last year, Ysgol Creigiau Primary School made a new connection with a primary school in a French village called Aunac. During February 2017 and August 2017, Mrs Pritchard visited École intercommunale des Ondines and we have since been fortunate enough to welcome the Headteacher of the school, Maxime Certin to our school in October 2017.
Pupils in Creigiau have been working on an exciting project on eTwinning - ‘Culture in a Box’ - and have been exchanging songs and recipes with our friends in France. We look forward to learning more about France and teaching our new friends about life in Wales.
Pupils, teachers, parents and the local community in Aunac have been extremely busy fundraising towards their visit to Creigiau in June 2018.
Merci beaucoup! Diolch yn fawr iawn! Thank you very much!