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Visions and Aims / Amcanion

Hoffem rannu ein gweledigaeth a'n hamcanion gyda chi:

Ein gweledigaeth yw i greu amgylchedd diogel, cefnogol a hapus; lle gall disgyblion a staff ffynnu i gyflawni eu gwir botensial, wrth gael eu cefnogi, eu gwerthfawrogi a'u parchu.


Caiff holl ddisgyblion Ysgol Gynradd Creigiau Primary School eu hannog i fod yn ddysgwyr annibynnol; sy'n meddwl yn greadigol er mwyn cyrraedd y safonau academaidd uchaf posibl a meithrin y sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnynt i fod yn ddysgwyr gydol oes.


Gall y disgyblion gael eu haddysg trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg neu’r Saesneg, yn unol â dymuniadau’r rhieni. Yr un statws sydd i’r ddwy iaith, a rhoddir yr un pwysigrwydd i bob rhan o addysg o’r Adran Feithrin hyd at Flwyddyn 6. Mae’r staff a’r disgyblion yn perthyn i un ysgol, ac er bod pob Adran yn cael ei dysgu gan athrawon a benodwyd i’r dasg honno, mae’r ysgol hon yn un gymuned heb un rhaniad ynddi. Mae’r ysgol yn ficrocosm iachus a chywir o gymdeithas ddwyieithog ac mae’n chwarae rhan fywiog yn y gymuned y mae’n perthyn iddi.


Ein Nodau

  • Meithrin parch dros dreftadaeth a diwylliant Cymreid ac i drin ieithoedd a diwylliannau eraill gyda pharch cyfartal.

  • Hyrwyddo a datblygu sgiliau llythrennedd (Cymraeg a Saesneg) a rhifedd y disgyblion.

  • Rhoi cyfle i bob disgybl ddatblygu i'w botensial / photensial llawn ym mhob agwedd o'r cwricwlwm .

  • Annog parch, cyfrifoldeb a gonestrwydd a meithrin ym mhob disgybl pwysigrwydd ymddygiad a chwrteisi da.

  • Trin pob disgybl yn deg, gan sicrhau bod pob disgybl yn cael cynnig cyfle cyfartal, waeth beth yw eu gallu, rhyw, crefydd neu hil.

  • Darparu amgylchedd diogel, hapus a gofalgar i holl aelodau cymuned yr ysgol.

  • Creu cyfleoedd dysgu sy'n symbylu, yn ymgysylltu ac yn herio dysgwyr.

  • Annog pob plentyn i fod yn annibynnol, yn greadigol ac yn chwilfrydig drwy ddatblygu eu sgiliau meddwl: y gallu i brosesu gwybodaeth, rhesymu, ymholi a gwerthuso.


We want to share the school's vision and aims with you:

We strive to create a safe, supportive and happy environment; where pupils and staff can develop to their full potential through support, encouragement and respect.


All learners at Ysgol Gynradd Creigiau Primary School are encouraged to be independent learners who think creatively in order to achieve the highest possible academic standards and to develop the necessary skills to be life-long learners.


Pupils may receive their education through the medium of Welsh or English, depending on the wishes of the parents. Equal status is given to both languages and equal importance is attached to each stage of education from the beginning of the Foundation Phase to Year 6. All staff and pupils are of one school and while each section is taught by teachers selected for this special task, this school is one community with no sense of division. The school is a true and healthy microcosm of a bilingual society and takes an active role in the community.


Our Aims

  • To encourage respect and passion for our Welsh culture and heritage and to ensure that equal respect is shown towards other languages, cultures and religions.

  • To ensure pupils develop the necessary literacy and numeracy skills essential for everyday life.

  • To give every child an opportunity to reach their full potential in all areas of the curriculum.

  • To promote respect, honesty and a sense of responsibility in every child and ensure high standard of behaviour and courtesy.

  • To treat every pupil fairly, ensuring equal opportunities for all regardless of ability, race, gender or sexual orientation, religion, cultural or economic background.

  • Provide a safe, happy and supportive environment for all members of the school community.

  • To provide stimulating and challenging learning opportunities.

  • To encourage every pupil to be independent, creative and inquisitive by developing their thinking skills; enabling them to process information, investigate, reason and evaluate.
