Clwb S.N.A.G Club
SNAG 2023 - 2024
S.N.A.G 2022-2023
Using local produce to make healthy drinks
Fairtrade 2018
Winners of the poster competition, talking to the whole school and our Fairtrade displays
Bush Tucker Trial
We went to a Fair Trade Conference July 2015
Fair-trade assembly to end the fortnight.
Fair Trade Banana Smoothies on World Book Day
Fair Trade Tidy Tea Break
Thursday 5th March
Our Fair Trade fortnight got started with a staff event - The Fair Trade Tidy Tea break, where teachers baked and enjoyed tasting some amazing Fair Trade cakes. A big thank you to those who brought something in. The tea and coffee was also switched to Fair Trade products.
Today we made Fair Trade banana smoothies and sold them to all of the children who wanted to buy them. This was a great success and members of the group worked very hard to collect money, serve the smoothies and clean up afterwards. Again a big thank you to all children and staff who helped to make this event run smoothly.
Diolch yn fawr iawn!!
Miss Griffin & Mrs Hussey
Fair Trade Muffins
Coconut Cakes
Fair Trade Pancakes
Fair Trade Welsh Cakes
Please help the school to be Fair Active!!
On Friday 27th February the teachers will be having a Tidy Fair Trade Tea Break.
We will be using Fair Trade tea and coffee during break times.
We will also be bringing in cakes made with Fair trade ingredients.
If any classes plan to do any pancakes or baking in school for ST David's Day, please use Fair Trade products.
Here are some recipes.
Our Fair Trade week will then start on March 2nd till March 6th.
We will be continuing to promote healthy Fair Trade snacks and lunch boxes.
Each class will be asked to do one lesson about Fair Trade, don't forget to take photos or photocopy worksheets for our evidence. There are some links on here with lesson ideas.
On the Friday we will be selling some tasty Fair Trade surprises!!
Thank you for your help!!
Miss Griffin
21st November
The children have had a very busy few week preparing for our healthy eating week. On December 8th we will be encouraging every children to come to school with a piece of fruit to eat at break time. The best classes in both the Juniors and Foundation Phase will get a special treat at the end of the term. We are also encouraging more salad to be eaten at lunch time and we will be putting posters and displays up to encourage children to eat at least a piece of salad with their meal at lunch time.
Mrs Hussey
Sefydlwyd Grwp Maeth yr ysgol S.N.A.G.ym mis Ionawr 2014. Miss Griffin, Mrs Hussey, Mrs Price, Mrs Stone and Mrs Wilkins sy’n rhedeg y grwp yma. Pendefynodd y disgyblion alw’n grwp yn Grwp Masnach Deg a Byw’n Iach. Cynhelir y clwb bob yn ail dydd Iau yn ystod amser cinio yn Class 3 a cheir dau gynrychiolwr o bob dosbarth o Flwyddyn 3 i Flwyddyn 6. Bwriad y clwb yw i wella arferion bwyta’r disgyblion drwy’r ysgol ac i hybu ymwybyddiaeth y disgyblion o nwyddau Masnach Deg. Rydym wedi ennill y cam 3 Ysgolion Iach, wedi dod yn Ysgol sy’n ymwybodol o Fasnach Deg ac wedi cefnogi’r Pwyllgor Eco wrth ennill y Faner Blatinwm. Rydym wrthi’n gweithio tuag at gam 4 Ysgolion Iach a Ysgol Masnach Deg Gweithredol.
The School Nutrition Action group (S.N.A.G) was set up in January 2014 and it is run by Miss Griffin, Mrs Hussey, Mrs Price, Mrs Stone and Mrs Wilkins. The children decided to give us the name of the Fairtrade and Healthy Living group. The club takes place every other Thursday lunchtime in Class 3 and there are two children representing each class from year 3 – year 6. The aim of the group is to improve the eating habits of all of the children in the school and to promote the awareness of using Fairtrade products. We have already achieved the 3rd phase of the Healthy Schools award, we have become a Fair Aware school and we have supported the Eco Committee with achieving the Platinum Flag. We are now working towards phase 4 of the Healthy Schools award and we are soon to become a Fair Active school.